HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDEN!!! This was us two years ago. Isn't he beautiful??
This is him now. It's not dirt, it's makeup. Where was i you ask? sitting on the couch next to him. I don't know how I didn't notice.
Kylie came by the house and brought Brenden a present. A basketball hoop. She knows the way to his heart, he was very excited about this.
Thank you Kylie!
She also bought him some converse shoes, which I was VERY excited about, but not so much Brenden. He threw about a 10 minute fit when we put them on. (he does this with his brown shoes too, weird) but he got over it. We then headed to Fuddruckers for dinner. Jeff had a meeting so Kylie was my fill-in husband :)
My parents sent Brenden the coolest present. It was a blow-up castle. I could not wait for Brenden to see it, but I forget about his strange phobia with inflatables, and it was 9:30 at night (and he only had a 30 minute nap that day). So this is what we got. (sorry mom and dad, Austin loved it though, and I know it will grow on Brenden)
6 years ago
Happy Birthday Brendan! Love the pics. I really love the videos. They crack me up. I can totally understand how inflatables could be a little scary!!! I hope he had a great day. Now it is time for the Smith family to move to a five member family!!
Wow! Happy birhtday, Brendan!
Happy Birthday Brendan!
Cute pics and one of them he looks like Austin to me! Oh Kina he is so cute.
very cute...and he does look like austin!
Happy Birthday Brenden.... I'm a bit late but better late than never right? Wow talk about crazy weather... Thank God I was in Texas for most of that!
Happy Birthday Brendan!
Love the inflatable video, that is too funny!
Happy Birthday Brenden! I loved all the pictures, but especially the videos. They made me laugh, Brenden's little voice is so sweet. Have a very Merry Christmas!
You do have the cutest boys!!
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