Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I was hoping to post some cute ultrasound pictures or fat belly pics or how I told Jeff, but I just never had time :( Packing for a trip like this takes work. We are leaving in 5 minutes for South Africa, please pray for us on our long 25 hour trip, Jeff and I both speak, and please pray for our kids. I will miss them. I actually cried when I said Goodbye, and I haven't done that in a looong time, and I leave them alot! I will have lots of pictures to post when we get back next week!!!


sandybiggs said...

I already miss you guys (I see you just about everyday!)
We will be praying you have a wonderful time. I am a little jealous...what a great experience!

laura said...

Don't worry Kina, everything will go great! We are praying for you guys! I can't wait to see pics!

Ashlee Osborn said...

I am thinking about you/praying for you right now! You will have to do a MAJOR post about your trip. I would love to hear about it and see pictures. It is my dream to go to Africa someday.

Stacy said...

Praying for you guys. Can't wait to see all the picture.

Love the header and I can't wait for your new baby to come!
Oh and on your survey I love the story about your middle name that would be something I would do! Ha