Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Please don't forget about me!! Where have I been since the last post, you ask??? Well, I had to finish Brenden's first year scrapbook before this baby was born (that took up all my computer time), and I will soon begin our Family Album 2007, but I will really try not to go MIA. THEN, we went on our missions trip, THEN I spent all my spare computer time researching the million different adoption agencies and countries (please pray for Jeff and I and God's direction in our life!!) AND I am pregnant (that's an excuse, right?) So, then today for the first time in a month, I looked at everyone else's blog and noticed on Mandi's that I am at the bottom with 5 weeks since my last update. That just cannot do! So please buy all my excuses, and here are just a few random pictures of our life lately!
My girls have graduated (sniff, sniff). This year was really special for us because it is our first graduating class that have been with us since they were freshmen. These girls have meant so much to me, and I have enjoyed being so close with them!!! I am going to miss them!!!!!!!

Austin played t-ball for the second season.
These two have been with each other for every season and every sport (except for Upwards, that was a hard season) And I can see them playing together in High School (so Sandy, you better NEVER move)

The last day of school! He had such a great year, and once again Jacob and him were together. I love the way they can fight like brothers, and yet, they are inseparable. Austin has never done anything without Jacob, so next year, when they aren't at school together, I don't know what Austin will do. Maybe will start looking to move, NOW :)

Kylie took this picture of Brenden. I think it is the cutest!


Pambo said...

Girls, smirls! You know you're really going to be missing those adorable boys more! How could you not? Hey, you haven't updated in so long you didn't even know I now have a blog. Check it out. Love the pics of those two cutie boys, Austin and Jacob. How do they manage to get cuter every day? Brenden is way too cute for his own good!

laura said...

I'm glad you finally did a post! It's hard when you have alot going on. I hope to see pictures of the mission trip soon:)

Annie said...

I good not believe my eyes when I saw that you posted again! :) I was so excited to see new pics! Keep them coming!

Mandi said...

Yay Kina!!! I never really thought about the blog roll being a motivational tool too, ha!! And now you've motivated me... to FINALLY start working on an album or two, since "behind" doesn't even cover it anymore!!

Ashlee Osborn said...

It's about time! And, I am so with my mom about the props you gave to the girls. You know you will miss the guys way more. You owe us a post all about the guys in the youth group. Austin, Brenden, and Jacob are extremely cute, as always.

What's this about adoption? Tell me more!

sandybiggs said...

Those are some cute boys, I must say!
That pic of you and Kaitlyn is good (they are all good).