Friday, May 15, 2009

Have I been kicked out of the blog club yet??? My excuses haven't changed so I will spare you. But I do have a new respect for a mother of 4 because 3 kids are about to do me in :) That being are some pictures of that 3rd child, taken by the amazing photographer Katie!


Melissa said...

He is so cute and getting so big.

Mandy said...

He is adorable!! I know being the mothre of three boys is exhausting, but hang in there, it gets easier (or maybe just a little less exhausting) :)

Stacy said...

Awe never! He is so handsome and you do have the best looking boys.

twingrlsplus1 said...

He is such a cute little guy!! 3 handsome guys you have.

Annie said...

Lovin the pics of the ADORABLE Casen!!! Keep em coming!!! ;)

Mom's Club said...

welcome back! i will forgive you since you posted some super cute pics of your little man, who, by the way, is growing way too fast!

Anonymous said...

I love his cute little lips. Each child has a distinct character making them unique. Austin -his adorable freckles; Brenden-I love the space between his teeth....may it never close and Casen-his cute little lips. What a great Mom you are.

sandybiggs said...

Awwww!! I love it!! so adorable!!