Friday, October 03, 2008

I Am Still Here....

...and still pregnant! Here are some pictures that my amazing photographer friend, Mandi, took. I am so blessed to have such talented friends. She somehow made my fat stomach look good :) Thank you, Mandi, for capturing this very special moment in my life!



Stacy said...

Kina, I love all the pictures they are all so good! You look beautiful baby and all!
Can't wait to meet the little man.

Pambo said...

I love that third photo. It's gorgeous. I like it in the sepia or black or white that Mandi has on her blog. I think you should get a big canvas pic of it-it's that pretty. I also like the two photos of you and your boys. They would look cute on either side of the above mentioned photo. Too bad you didn't have any pics of Jeff with you. That would have been fun.

-Billy said...

I love them. It makes me really happy you like all this artsy stuff. I feel like we have a ton in commend now, well more then before. God is really bring out all my art I cant stop writing (even if I can’t spell), drawing designing shirts and panting

Mandy said...

those pictures are awesome! I think that you look awesome!

Taylor and Jessica Hagan said...

So cute! I love the name Casen, and my fave pic is the black & white with the boys. Gettin' closer!

Mom's Club said...

super cute, hope he's here next time i visit!! ha! good luck!!

-Billy said...

i am head of the produchen team. wich means i do all the live feed on the internet and tell the camera men where to shout and the light guys what to light. i also am the creative team guy i do all the video and video editing and set desighn and things like that

Anonymous said...

Kina Girl, I love your pictures. Your boys are so big and they are just gorgeous! I am back in Texas so I hope to get up your way sometime in the next...oh, ten years or so. That's how long it's been since I have seen you! Hope to see pictures of your new baby soon!